Coming off of a monumental 2020 in which our community has been hit the most with the unprecedented economic effects of Covid-19, systematic racism, and the exploitation and gentrification of our neighborhoods, it is time that we recognize our people, that is the Black race, as a special group with a unique experience in America. Our origins as Black people can be traced to the inception of mankind. In recent history, we have suffered bondage, servitude, and ethnocide unlike any other minority community, especially in the United States. As a result, extra care and precautions must be taken since we are the most targeted minority group for exploitation on this Earth. One might ask how we arrived at such a conclusion.
The African-American story does not begin in the creation of racism and servitude. It is a much grander narrative of design, mathematics, physics, biology, professionalism, communal economics, and world balance. Our culture is derived from love, family, hard work, resilience, fraternity, friendship, truth, and enthusiasm. It is human nature to create and drive systems toward new visions and industries which often requires the absorption and exploitation of the most creative and innovative people and perspectives. However, if the created systems do not uplift all of mankind, then it is our duty together to disrupt and recreate.
After numerous conversations with members of the Durham Community and the entire Black diaspora, we believe the 2021 fiscal year is a favorable time for us as the Black race to release from a system that does not sustain or support our communities. It is time for us to return to a form similar and yet different than what we witness prior to integration. This is a form similar to the practices of ethno aggregation and vertical integration witnessed in our fight for social and educational acceptance.
However, what will differ is that we will finally use the toolage of ethno aggregation and vertical integration to derive economic power. If we are to remain in a true system of capitalism, a system in true form that has the ability to uplift any individual out of poverty, then we must establish our economic base first. Thus, this inaugural strategic plan has been crafted to facilitate the comprehensive aspects of operations and project management that will be required for our people to come together and uplift the entire world.
This plan will cover the following strategic topics for the 2021-22 FY:
- Economic Development Projects and Milestones
- Marketing and Membership Growth
- Operations Team Strategy and SOP
- Accountability Team Strategy and SOP
- Membership Experience Team Strategy and SOP
- Investment Relations Team Strategy and SOP
This plan will explain how we will achieve the following goals during the 2021-2022 FY:
- Contribute to the scaling of DCABP Membership to 50+ Members via the Economic Committee
- Launching and executing our first multimedia cross-platform Black Economic Vision marketing campaign
- Building and deploying a major front-end platform website to link DCABP economic committee to economic initiatives in Durham, Greensboro, Detroit, Atlanta, Charlotte, Baltimore, Houston, Chicago, or other major Black hub cities
- Creation of a Universal Basic Income Project and Reparation initiative with controlled disbursements via Invest Black (Bank Black Durham)
- Creation of a Black Credit Union
- Establishment of “The Black Card” an incentive program that can be digital for everyone which awards people for shopping black
- Adopt a Black HBCU fund
- Financial Education Sessions via book clubs, life insurance info sessions, and Investing 101 sessions
- Implementing DCABP Economic Fund investment due diligence processes (High Dividends, Private Equity, Reits,etc) for the entire community to invest in
- Access Durham Current Business market share and inforce break ups of any business that has over a 25% share or a conglomerate of 3-4 businesses with more than 70%
- Education and Pipeline to Homeownership via our Black Banks
- Report Card and Black List of Businesses that do not have at least 40% black representation
- LLC creation hub
- Development of East and North East Durham into a Black Maroon (Black Town)
There is no sustaining the Black Community without a sustaining Black economics. Thus, the Durham Committee on the Affairs of Black People Economic Committee must emphasize the creation of a Black nation within a nation. We have the power to change our direction. We must place aside the concepts of America's false claims to individualism and come together to create a world that is culturally acceptable for us all. We must reclaim economic power. We must establish a base to lift our race and the rest of the world. These goals will assist us coming together as a unit to be truly competitive in this great nation we helped create.
The vision that the Economic Committee will enact will be built upon the theories of cooperative economics and organizations, particularly cooperative philosophies that are applicable and conducive to the building of economic and financial health of the black community. The work and thought leadership of Dr. Claud Anderson, which focuses on the methods in which the ethno aggregation and vertical integration of owned businesses and organizations can be utilized to improve the financial health of Black communities along with the study of the most successful conglomerate in modern history. Our model is designed to aggregate and leverage all eight forms of capital (intellectual, economic, human, cultural, spiritual, physical, social and natural) via:
- Core educational component (members and community will be provided with opportunities to enhance their knowledge)
- Democratic leadership and business transparency to members (decision making will be made with collective input that is facilitated by operational leadership team/founders)
- Profit sharing and or financial benefits gained via economies of scale for the entire community

Antonio Jones
DCABP, Chair

Terrence White
Economic Chair, DCABP

Leonardo Williams
Vice Chair, Economic Committee DCABP