Project Plan

Project Plan

By design, DGEP has many moving parts.  There will be capacity building work, construction projects, investment of equity capital, convening, and other activities.  The central purpose of this current planning phase is to further determine project milestones and timeline dates.  However, on the large pillars of the project, the DGEP Park and capital funds, there is an expectation that construction on the hub would begin in 2022 and conclude by 2024, and that the Funds of Funds would be established and in place by 2022, making the first equitable city investments possible.  Exact timing will continue to be fleshed out and modeled in the months ahead.

PILLAR 1: Racial Economic Equity By Design Park

From 2020-2030, DGEP will begin to systematically dismantle the current inequity-by-design system, and replace it with a racial economic equity-by-design model.  During this period, DGEP will create the world’s first global equity education research and development park (i.e., the Silicon Valley/Wall Street of Equity), that can both create and distribute equitable opportunity and wealth at scale to those at the bottom of the economy – specifically black communities.

PILLAR 2: Equity Fund

The second pillar of DGEP, a hub-supporting investment fund, will include the leveraging of funds totaling $1 Trillion focused on three primary areas of strategic investment for racial equity ecosystems upbuilding in 1,000 black cities by 2030:

CONCEPT: Equity by design

The overarching “Theory of Change” that serves as the foundation of DGEP is driven by the belief that the racial inequity challenges and problems that our global society faces in contemporary times did not happen accidentally or in a vacuum.  As racial inequities were designed into every foundational system of our society the goal of this initiative is to dismantle inequitable system replaces them with a series of complimentary racially equitable development frameworks.