DGEP is supported and sustained through community partners with similar ideals and missions.
These DGEP partners located in the Durham and Triangle Region communities comprise some of the most dynamic people and organizations focused on racial equity across many dimensions. Since racial inequity did not arise from a single approach, it will not be solved by a single approach. Instead, it has to be driven by a community of strategies and actions that evolve, learn and adapt to manage the complex environment for which it sits. The Community Sector is literally at the “heart” of the DGEP model (as represented by the logo) and keeps the work of the surrounding partners from the public, private, philanthropic, and academic communities together.
These DGEP partnering organizations represent anti-racist educators, women empowerment groups, former criminal court judges and U.S. Department of Justice officials, alongside the formerly incarcerated; local congregations and neighborhood associations and community advocacy organizations. It also includes parental advocacy organizations led by local school board members and initiatives that connect to the larger black and Latino global population.
These organizations are black-led and/or black-founded (in addition to the Latino Initiative) and shows the power of BIPOC leaders in pursuing racial equity through their LIVED experience

Alexandra Zagbayou
Student U

Antonio Jones
Durham Committee on the Affairs of Black People

Bishop Clarence Laney
Durham CAN/Monument of Faith

Dr. Karla Slocum
Black Communities Conference

Dr. Mark Little
Black Communities Conference

Dr. Ronda Taylor Bullock
We Are

Jovonia Lewis
Durham Public School Board/ Founder of EPIC

Judge Elaine O’Neal
Durham Racial Equity Task Force

Lisa Jones
Retired Correctional Officer, US Bureau of Prisons

Lorena Patterson
NC Latino Initiative

Tiwana Adams
3D Women

Tyrone Baker
Former Justice Involved Individual