DGEP's private sector partners are among the most globally connected and forward thinking firms representing the initiatives STAMPS ecosystem.
APCO Worldwide is an independent, employee-owned business in over 30 global markets that helps to expand brands and communications. They are serving to add strategic partners at all levels of influence to ensure that DGEP has the right platform to scale racial equity innovations and tell the stories of our community of partners from the public, private, philanthropic, academic, and community sectors to ensure we are speaking in one powerful, but diverse voice, related to racial equity.
B&C International is the oldest black-owned global strategy consulting firm with engagements spanning U.S. Presidents back to Nixon and inclusive of work with world leaders such as the late Nelson Mandela. They have partnered with DGEP to connect the United States black communities with the black communities and diaspora across Africa and the world where B&C has operated for decades to utilize economic development, entrepreneurship, and trade as a means of driving racial equity among the black world. They will be critical to ensuring that black community partners across the world are connected for purpose and that national governments across the world are open for business to those seeking to create a more equitable world.
Polis is a leading global technology firm that uses artificial intelligence and machine learning to create better communication and dialogue among communities with diverse perspective to ensure that minority voices are not drowned out by majority voices is dialogues and debates. Racial equity intention and impact do not always correspond. Polis will serve as a strategic partner to ensure that technology is an even more powerful and valuable tool to the cause of racial equity by design than it has been as a tool for racial inequity by design.
Big Path Capital is the world’s leading impact investing investment bank. Since its founding more than a decade ago, the firm has convened thousands of institutional investors representing over $1.3 trillion active assets under management. Big Path is a critical strategic partner in helping to recruit impact investors interested in racial equity to DGEP Park and also to invest in black-owned investment pools and businesses. These partners bring a global platform around technology, communicative narration, markets, and policy.

Courtney Crowder

Colin Megill

Larry Yon
B&C International

Michael Whelchel
Big Path Capital